网狼农业 葛根粉 葛根粉为什么有酸味?这个原因你肯定没想到!



Have you ever tasted a slightly sour flavor when eating foods made with arrowroot flour or starch? This might come as a surprise, but the root cause of this sourness is actually bacteria! In particular, it’s the result of a fermentation process that occurs during the manufacturing of arrowroot flour. Let’s delve deeper and find out more about this intriguing topic.

The Mystery of Arrowroot Flour’s Sourness

Arrowroot flour, also known as arrowroot starch or arrowroot powder, is a type of starch extracted from the root of the tropical South American plant Maranta arundinacea. It’s a popular ingredient in many dishes, especially in Asian cuisine, where it’s used as a thickener in soups, sauces, and desserts.

One thing that sets arrowroot flour apart from other starches is its sour taste. Many consumers have noticed this sourness, and it’s often a source of confusion. After all, arrowroot flour is derived from a plant root, so where does the sourness come from?

The answer lies in the manufacturing process. To extract arrowroot starch, the roots of the plant are first washed and peeled, then grated into a fine pulp. This pulp is then mixed with water and allowed to settle, separating the starch from the fibrous pulp. The starch is collected, dried, and milled into a fine powder.

But here’s where things get interesting. During the washing and grating process, naturally occurring bacteria present on the roots start to break down the starch molecules, producing lactic acid as a byproduct. This lactic acid is what gives arrowroot flour its characteristic sour taste.

The Benefits of Arrowroot Flour’s Fermentation


While the sourness of arrowroot flour may be surprising, it’s not necessarily a bad thing. In fact, many traditional food cultures intentionally ferment starches for their health benefits.

During the fermentation process, the bacteria not only break down the starch but also produce beneficial enzymes and probiotics that aid digestion and boost the immune system. Fermented arrowroot flour, or arrowroot sourdough, has been used in traditional medicine to treat digestive problems and other health issues.


In addition, fermenting arrowroot flour can also improve its nutritional profile. The fermentation process can increase the bioavailability of key nutrients such as iron, calcium, and zinc, making them easier for the body to absorb.

Conclusion: Embrace the Sourness

In summary, the sourness of arrowroot flour comes from the natural fermentation process that occurs during its manufacturing. While some may find the sour taste off-putting, it’s worth embracing for the health benefits it provides. The lactic acid produced during fermentation can aid in digestion and boost the immune system, while also improving the flour’s nutritional profile.

So, the next time you taste a sour note in your favorite arrowroot-based dish, don’t be alarmed. It’s just a sign that the flour has undergone a natural and healthy fermentation process. Enjoy the unique taste and reap the benefits.






