网狼农业 葛根 葛根汤有什么作用?发汗祛湿还是减肥?



Have you ever heard of “gegen tang,” or “葛根汤” in Chinese? This traditional herbal tea has been enjoyed for centuries and is believed to have various health benefits, including promoting sweating, dispelling dampness, and aiding in weight loss. But what is the truth behind these claims? Let’s take a closer look.

Promoting Sweating

One of the most well-known benefits of gegen tang is its ability to promote sweating. This is due to its key ingredient, Gegen, or Chinese Kudzu Root, which is a natural diaphoretic. The tea is often consumed during the summer months or when someone is suffering from a cold or flu to help reduce fever and expel toxins through perspiration.

Dispelling Dampness

Another claimed benefit of gegen tang is its ability to dispel dampness. Dampness in the body can manifest as bloating, fatigue, and other digestive issues. The tea is believed to help regulate the body’s water metabolism and promote the elimination of excess fluids.


Aiding in Weight Loss

In recent years, gegen tang has gained popularity as a weight loss aid. The tea’s ability to promote sweating and dispel dampness is thought to help reduce water weight, while its high fiber content can help promote feelings of fullness and reduce snacking. However, it’s important to note that there is no scientific evidence to support this claim and that any weight loss benefits are likely to be temporary.

Other Potential Benefits

In addition to the above benefits, gegen tang is also believed to have other potential health benefits. For example, its anti-inflammatory properties may help reduce pain and swelling, and its high antioxidant content can help protect against oxidative stress and free radical damage.


Overall, gegen tang is a popular traditional herbal tea that is believed to have various health benefits. While some of these benefits, such as its ability to promote sweating and dispel dampness, are well-supported by traditional Chinese medicine, others, such as its weight loss potential, are more speculative. Nevertheless, gegen tang remains a popular and tasty beverage that is worth trying for its unique flavor and potential health benefits.

So, next time you’re looking for a natural way to promote sweating, dispel dampness, or simply enjoy a healthy and flavorful drink, consider giving gegen tang a try!

CTA: Why not try making your own gegen tang at home and see how it makes you feel? Just be sure to consult with a healthcare professional first if you have any underlying health conditions or concerns.






